Classroom Goals and Rules are a must but it is best to keep them simple. It is also helpful to leave some things general so you do not paint yourself into a corner. Some situations demand flexibility. The classroom expectations are there to eliminate distractions from rehearsal and yet, must be simple enough that you can uphold them consistently. I have included our program information as an example to generate your own brainstorming.
Signs are posted at the front of our room with these maxims. I often just silently point to one when students need a reminder. Excellence in everything we do. We do things one way in this room...the RIGHT way! Do the right thing even when you don't feel like it. Are you helping or hurting the rehearsal? The Program Goals and Rules are also posted on a giant poster near the front of the room. If something is an issue I simply walk to the poster and indicate which element we need to address. (Goals) In band this year everyone will… ~show respect at all times to others in the group. ~play with good tone, balance, blend, and pitch. ~play musically. ~play with good individual technique, posture, hand position and embouchure. ~improve every time we play. ~keep the room, instruments and music clean and neat. ~be organized. ~work as a group to reach our goals. Traughber Band Rule: Do the right thing This will include: ~Come prepared with all supplies. ~Be respectful (listen-pay attention-one person speaks at a time). ~Do your best. ~Play only when asked to. ~Improve every time we play. ~Handle only the equipment that you use. ~No food, candy, mints, suckers or drinks in any music rooms. Traughber Band Consequences: Each situation handled on an individual-as needed basis Remember-All school rules apply to all band rehearsals and events. |
November 2021